Tag Archives: automotive technology

EVs ExplainedFeatures

EVs Explained: Voltage architecture, the first say in electrified motoring performance

Welcome back! Do you remember our previous discussion on the roles of kilowatts and kilowatt-hours in relation to EV batteries and performance? Well, that was just one piece of the puzzle. Lots of factors come into play when determining how an electric car ticks. So, in today’s segment of EVs Explained, we shift our focus towards battery packs and how the flow of energy they produce greatly influences charging, range, and more.

Today, EVs Explained is all about volts and voltage architecture!

If you’ve ever felt a tad bit confused by the constant references to voltage when it comes to EVs, you’re not alone. Voltage talk is everywhere—from the AA batteries in Logitech controllers, accessory batteries in conventional cars, to the sockets powering your household appliances. If volts didn’t mean jack, they wouldn’t be so ubiquitous on every little press release or warning label.

It turns out that it’s a lot more than just a fancy word for scaring me out of sticking a fork in a socket. So buckle up because this will be quite the joyride through miles of technical speak and science mumbo jumbo.

Image credit: Lucid Motors

Voltage basics: What are volts anyway?

Voltage (V) is the “electrical potential difference,” or the force that propels electrons. It is not a measure of outright power—that’s a watt—nor does it measure the volume or rate of electrons moving in a current, as amps are what do that. More on current later. It can be tricky to get the three straight and I’m sure a few of you have heard the terms used interchangeably as often as I have. 

To clarify, below is a diagram for those of us whose brains are so smooth that sentences just slide right off.

Image credit: Christine lmiller (Wikimedia Commons)

The voltage of a system determines its overall performance. If a car battery is dying, causing the systems to undervolt, it will fail to deliver electricity effectively, leading to a notable decline in functionality. Lights may flicker or dim, and certain components may fail to operate or at least work slowly or intermittently. A dead or dying battery may cause your starter to crank slowly or not at all.  

However, pour a little Four Loko and some electrolyte powder into the battery (satire, for the love of God, please do not attempt) and get it to overvolt, the opposite will happen. This will potentially harm systems that can’t handle the surge. While not always the case in complex systems like cars, Ohm’s law generally dictates that current increases with voltage. This resulting overcurrent can cause the most problems. Wires, bulbs, and circuit boards can burn out, start fires, or—better yet—give your friends a comical zap.

Insert funny clips of that one electrical engineer on YouTube here. That’ll get the point across and hopefully clear any murkiness. 

Whether they’re EVs or internal combustion vehicles, most cars have a litany of safety devices, such as fuses, peppered throughout to ensure such things never happen—unless you’re in my friend’s modified E36 M3 that got a bit toasty on the Las Vegas Strip. Get well soon, little fella.

Image credit: Lucid Motors, Jeric Jaleco

Voltage architecture: What it means for performance

Enter voltage architecture, the voltage rating of an electric car’s battery pack. For instance, just as a lead-acid car battery is rated at 12V or a AA battery is rated at 1.5V, electric car batteries will be similarly classified as 400V or 800V.

Image credit: Lucid Motors

For a long time, EVs trotted along with 400V architectures—which has become a broad, “kinda-sorta” umbrella term since not every car operates at exactly 400V. The Model S Plaid, for instance, rocks a 400V architecture, while the OG Roadster ran off 420V. Jumping brands, older Priuses ran off an estimated 350V while the second-gen Chevrolet Volt used 355V.

Nowadays, 400V has become the gold standard. And by all means, 400 volts sure does sound like a hell of a lot – until the spirit of Ferdinand Porsche enters the group chat.

Porsche Taycan: Revolutionizing EV Charging with 800V Architecture

When coupled with a Porsche fast charger, the Porsche Taycan’s 800V architecture—the first of its kind—yields one of the quickest charge rates in the game. Capable of flowing electrons twice as quickly as a comparable 400V system, a Taycan can get juiced from 10% to 80% in roughly 21 minutes. In comparison, a similarly-specced model S, despite having a higher maximum charging power of 250 kW versus the Taycan Performance Battery’s 225 kW, takes roughly 30 minutes to do the same deed.

Sorry, Elon, looks like Porsche has you beat this time.

Image credit: Porsche

Benefits of high-voltage architectures: the more the merrier?

A high-voltage architecture offers more than just speedy charging. Higher voltage yields greater efficiency, paving the way for more power and range without the use of bigger motors or thicker wires. But doesn’t Ohm’s law state that current increases with voltage?

Well, yes. But also no. I encountered a trade forum where a gaggle of electrical engineers fought over their interpretation of Ohm’s law. The research went great, by the way. When the dust settled, we were reminded how we must consider the current draw needed by the loads, such as the motors and accessories, to do their jobs. In reality, the key advantages of 800V architectures are their power density and ability to function at a higher voltage with a lower current, just as power lines do.

Image credit: Ludovic Hirlimann (Wikimedia Commons), Jeric Jaleco

Power (watts) is the product of force (volts) multiplied by current (amps). Lower voltage systems need more current draw to create the desired power output. All those electrons colliding with the wires’ internal structures build resistance, creating heat and resulting in potential energy losses. But flip the script and see what happens.

The extra force of a higher-volt system means your EV’s motors don’t have to exert as much current draw to extract the power they need, as they’re effectively force-fed electricity. Not having to draw as much current to make the same (or even more) power keeps resistance and heat generation low, meaning wires can be thinner and electric motors can be smaller with fewer windings than if you were to produce the same power with a 400V architecture. 800V systems can even lead to potential weight savings from slimmed-down componentry, further aiding efficiency and unlocking more range.

Image credit: Porsche

Thanks to all these benefits, 800V architectures are increasingly becoming the norm and will pave the way forward for evolving the electric car species. Porsche Taycan and Hyundai Ioniq 6 are prime examples of current adopters. The Rimac Nevera operates with a not-far-off 730V, Lucid stormed onto the scene with a wilder 900V architecture, and Rivian is currently working on its own 800V system. 

There’s the bell

Refresher! Voltage is the force that moves electricity. The higher the voltage, the more quickly and forcefully electrons can reach where they need to go. Higher voltage usually means more current, but with EVs, higher voltage is desirable since the receiving loads don’t have to draw as much current from the battery to function. That means less system heat and greater efficiency than the same motors wired to a lower voltage architecture. As a result, 800V architectures are becoming all the rage, with more automakers developing them for their mainstream electric cars.

Image credit: Porsche

Phew. That was much more than I thought I’d write, but there you have it. There’s the nerded-out breakdown of what voltage is and how it relates to your neighbor’s Polestar 2 or that Vinfast that you probably already eyeballed and then immediately dismissed. Gritty, I know. But sometimes, it’s just better to dissect new technology and understand the “why” instead of sending drivers off with yet another “it is what it is.”

Easy, right? Well … We’ll get closer with every lesson. One EVs Explained at a time. 

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What the hell-eramota is Acceleramota?

In September 2022, I was staring out the window of an Icelandic tour bus at the picturesque landscapes of the Golden Circle when I accepted the reality that something in my life had to change. The trajectory of my career was not at all what I imagined it would be. Sure, I was a college dropout making six figures by the time I was 24, but as a buddy recently said to me, “Money comes and goes, my friend. You will replenish.” And he has an Alfa 4C, so he knows a little something about money going. In fact, he is one of many amazing people I’ve met at NYCars & Coffee, our local venture here in NYC.

Miserable as the Lead Editor of a shopping site owned by Daily Mail (who wouldn’t be?), I sought an outlet for my real passion: cars. To anyone I knew as a kid, that may come as a shock. I was never really a car guy. But as the story often goes, everything changed when I bought a Miata. All I wanted was a fun little convertible to doot around in, and now it’s in my wedding photos.

For as long as I can remember, I was always more into tech and gadgets. Computers, video games, jailbreaking my iPhone – all that fun stuff. But as I started paying attention to the automotive space (again, because Miata), the overlap was apparent. From mechanical engines and transmissions to lithium-ion batteries and infotainment systems, it’s all tech. Always has been.

Graphic: Acceleramota

One of the main reasons cars had never appealed to me in my adolescence was the lack of coverage from the sites I visited to keep up with the latest tech. Until recently, cars were largely relegated to enthusiast magazines adapted to the web. Maybe you would read about the car market from a business angle in the Wall Street Journal or a broad overview of the most important developments in the New York Times. But automotive coverage from tech publications was shoddy and inconsistent. Despite being among the largest economic drivers in the United States, cars simply don’t make enough money for the geniuses at the top. At least that’s what I’m told. 

Then again, neither does anything else, apparently. In 2023, layoffs are rampant, and I’m not immune. Back in February, I was let go for the second time in six months. Yet, even with a VP title slapped at the top of my resume, my job-hunting efforts were futile. Hell, most of my applications never yielded a response. Soon enough, it became clear that writing cover letter after cover letter was getting me nowhere. Meanwhile, NYCars & Coffee steadily continued to grow. We had gained enough traction that Adam Scott (yes, that Adam Scott) showed up one time because he found us on Google.

It was only a matter of time before I said, “Fuck it. I’m going all in on cars.”

By this point, I’d started an automotive verticle for my previous employer, and my EV stories from CES were a breakout success. I had a strategy in place to grow the section and build an audience. I had an Instagram page with more than 30,000 followers, and I’d already given it a name. All I needed was funding. By the end of April 2023, the same month I formed Acceleramota LLC, I also had that.

The internet’s cars and coffee ☕

But what about our mission statement? That wasn’t quite as clear. Shortly after founding Acceleramota, I hired a designer to create a social media graphic for a charity event we co-sponsored. As luck would have it, she was also an accomplished brand strategist, with high-profile clients such as Nike and Jeep. While workshopping ideas for the promo image, she implored me to simplify my messaging. We needed our own “Just do it” to inspire not only our readers, but also our staff.

That’s when I arrived at “the internet’s cars and coffee.” It was a natural fit. My intent for Acceleramota was always to be the online counterpart to the events we hold in real life. Before founding NYCars & Coffee back in October 2022, I was interested in cars but my automotive knowledge was surface level. I could point out the exact make and model of a car parked half a mile away, but I couldn’t tell you much about what’s under the hood. But now, although what you’ll often find under the hood is nothing more than a frunk, I’ve learned a fair amount just by talking to people who know more than me.

Photo: Gabe Carey (NYCars & Coffee)

Our main goal with Acceleramota is to keep our audience informed about the latest developments in automotive technology, bridging the gap between internal combustion and electrified engines, without putting you to sleep. There is a genuine, mainstream interest in EVs – both positive and negative, and we’re leaning into both! But the average reader, at least online, doesn’t want to suffer through flowery language or incomprehensible jargon to learn about the vehicles of the future.

We see our readers as enthusiasts waiting to bloom. We want to get you as excited about cars as we were when we first fell in love with driving or tuning or modding, whatever. Behind every byline on Acceleramota is a person, each with their own unique perspective, drawing personal connections between the cars they drive and the lives they’ve led. We’re here to tell stories. We’re here to tell many stories.

But we’re also here to help, answering the most commonly asked questions tailored specifically to the topic at hand. Engaging in conversation as if you overheard us talking shop at a bar (or, you know, sipping coffee at a car meet). You hear the word “EV” and politely interject. Being the neighborly crew that we are, we enthusiastically respond with confidence and authority. If we have to use jargon, we’ll explain it concisely or cite trusted sources offering intuitive explanations.

We’ll take care of the research, the testing, and the reporting back our findings in an approachable style. All we ask is you support efforts so we can reinvest in ourselves and do an even better job of delivering consistent, high-quality work. Not just in writing, but in our expansion into other avenues like social media and video. In addition to our paid subscriptions on Patreon, we also have a free newsletter. Both help us grow our audience, which in turn means securing more resources.

We’re committed to providing editorial coverage our readers find insightful, relatable, and sometimes makes you laugh. While other sites discourage writers from putting their full personalities on display, we embrace it. Unlike the publishers that see writers as expendable, favoring cheap content devoid of passion – emotionless, soulless, and unable to resonate through irreplicable first-person narratives – we’re here to tell stories. We’re here to tell many stories. Blog hard or blog home.

About the founder – Who is Gabe Carey?

Image credit: Victoria Song

From 2015–2018, I covered video games extensively for Digital Trends, starting two months after I could legally sign a 1099 contract. Then I found my niche in writing about computers and networking. Before long, I landed jobs at TechRadar, PCMag, and eventually PC Gamer in tandem with GamesRadar. Living the dream – except the pay sucked, the culture was exclusionary, and due in part to both of those factors, my interest in gaming eroded. I figured, if I’m going to work a soul-crushing job, I might as well get paid a decent salary doing it.

That’s when I went full Business Mode and sold my soul to affiliate marketing. Once I racked up enough XP at what is now Dotdash-Meredith, I reached a turning point. While my wife was a reporter at Gizmodo, the site’s parent company, [Redacted], was hiring a Commerce Editor and an Affiliate Manager. I applied for the editor gig in the hopes I could sneak a little me in my work, as a treat.

Both roles were, each in their own way, focused on growing The Inventory (the product recommendations site Kinja Deals was folded into) and identifying monetization opportunities on sites including Gizmodo, as well as Jalopnik, Lifehacker, Kotaku, and other blogs I once loved. Multiple rounds of interviews ensued, and I presented a few slides demonstrating my ability to inform editorial decisions using data without skimping on quality. All because I wanted to shitpost. With the final boss defeated, I was offered both jobs, my official title being Commerce Content & Affiliate Strategy Manager or some overwrought nonsense like that.

All things considered, I’d say it was two jobs well done. I mean, they brought me back within six months of my resignation – even after I published a scathing goodbye blog that’s still up because no one reads past the headline! Between writing and editing, I published more than 500 articles at The Inventory, sold more than half a million dollars in sponsored content, and boosted our Google Search presence by over 250%. Because we were big enough to do so, I also ditched an exclusive contract with a third-party platform in order to establish our own direct affiliate partnerships, effectively bumping up our revenue from merchants outside of Amazon by 65%. Still, I don’t think I’ll be invited to the next holiday party.

Finally leaving The Inventory behind me was liberating, but it also left me feeling cold. What could have been the perfect cross between bloggin’ and bizznus regressed into a grueling cycle of defending why the first part was important. That pattern followed me to my next media job, and the one after that. It seems to me companies of all sizes like the thought of hiring a young, competent person with fresh new ideas they can take credit for. Until carrying out those ideas means taking even the slightest risk. That’s why I’m here, to rid myself of that mentality and try new things.

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Once the best-selling EV on the market, the Nissan Leaf isn’t long for this world

Since its 2010 debut, the Nissan Leaf has been a flagship EV for the Yokohama, Japan-based automaker. The affordable electric car was even the top-selling plug-in-electric (PEV) model until 2020, when it was surpassed by Tesla’s Model 3. The 2024 Nissan Leaf carries on the legacy of being a great entry-level EV option.

Despite a significant refresh in 2017, Nissan announced in mid-2022 that they would be phasing out the Leaf in favor of more advanced models. As a result, it’s not surprising that the 2024 Nissan Leaf lacks major updates from previous model years. In fact, the file name of the photo above (when you download it from Nissan’s press site) is “2023 Nissan LEAF_38-source.jpg” — so make of that what you will.

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The 2024 Nissan Leaf’s starting MSRP is under $30,000, meaning it is a great budget option if you’re looking to join the world of electrified motoring — but it comes with some drawbacks. It’s clear that the Nissan Leaf line is no longer a priority for the carmaker, who has pledged to make 40% of its line electric by 2030. Most glaringly, the 2024 Nissan Leaf remains the last production model EV using the CHAdeMO connector rather than the more common CCS connector. To say the least, EV charging standards are undergoing a radical transformation that will make the Leaf feel dated before it even hits the lots.

Nissan Leaf $3,750 tax credit status

UPDATE (10/17/23 10:30PM)

Via press release, Nissan has announced that new Leaf vehicles “meet the “battery component” requirements of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 and may now qualify for the $3,750 tax credit.” 

  • The 2024 LEAF was purchased and placed into service by December 31, 2023.
  • The customer meets all purchase and income qualifications for the EV tax credit as outlined in Internal Revenue Code Section 30D.

We’ll save you a click – Internal Revenue Code Section 30D says that to qualify for the $3,750 tax credit, you must:

  • Buy it for your own use, not for resale
  • Use it primarily in the U.S.

Back off, capitalist fat cats, because to receive the $3,750 tax credit, your modified adjusted gross income (AGI) may not exceed:

  • $300,000 for married couples filing jointly 
  • $225,000 for heads of households
  • $150,000 for all other filers

2024 Nissan Leaf price and trim level options

A 2023 Nissan LEAF electric car serves as a stand-in for the 2024 Nissan LEAF, which nissan has not provided images of.
Image credit: Nissan

🚦Get ready, set, full disclosure! Some of the links powering our posts contain affiliate links, which means we may earn a small commission if you decide to make a purchase, even if it’s not from the page we linked. Affiliate links are not always an endorsement of the product. To really help us keep our headlights shining to make more content like this, subscribe to the Acceleramota newsletter.

The 2024 Nissan Leaf is available in two “grades,” the Leaf S and the Leaf SV Plus. The Leaf S has an MSRP of $28,140 for the barebones model and the Leaf SV Plus starts at $36,190.

Let’s take a look at how the 2024 Nissan Leaf’s trim options match up:

2024 Nissan Leaf S

  • Starting Price: $28,140
  • Lithium-ion battery capacity: 40kWh
  • Electric motor power: 110-kW / 147hp / 236 lb-ft of torque
  • EPA-estimated range: 149 miles

2024 Nissan Leaf SV Plus

  • Starting price: $36,140
  • Lithium-ion battery capacity: 60kWh
  • Electric motor power: 160-kW / 214hp / 250 lb-ft of torque
  • EPA-estimated range: 212 miles

Available upgrades and accessories include:

  • Factory installed options
    • Premium paint (2-Tone): $695
    • Premium paint: $395
    • Cargo cover: $220
  • Port installed accessories
    • Protection package: $280
    • Splash guards: $245
    • USB charging cable set: $90
    • Floor mats and cargo area mat cargo organizer: $285
    • Rear cupholders and stash tray: $260
    • Kick plates: $160
    • Safety kit: $100

Since the Nissan press release cites the 2023 Leaf’s “refreshed exterior design, including an enhanced front grille, bumper molding and headlights, plus interior upholstery changes and a new 17-inch wheel design for SV Plus,” it’s safe to assume the exterior and interior options will remain unchanged.

2024 Nissan Leaf exterior color options:

  • 2024 Nissan Leaf S only
    • Glacier white
  • 2024 Nissan Leaf S and 2024 Nissan Leaf SV Plus
    • Brilliant silver metallic
    • Gun metallic
    • Super black
    • Deep blue pearl
  • 2024 Nissan Leaf SV Plus only
    • Scarlet Ember tint coat (premium color) (Leaf SV Plus only)
    • Pearl White tri-coat (premium color)
    • Pearl White tri-coat + Super Black (2-tone premium color)

2024 Nissan Leaf interior options:

  • Black cloth
    • Leaf S interior accents: gray
    • Leaf SV Plus interior accents: gloss black

Interior and tech

The interior of a 2023 Nissan LEAF electric vehicle.
Image credit: Nissan

Another sign that Nissan’s media team is sunsetting the Leaf model is that they haven’t provided any new photos of the 2024 Nissan Leaf’s interior. Once again, it’s a safe bet to infer that relatively little has changed, so the image above is from the 2023 Nissan Leaf’s press release. Do with that information what you will.

The interior console of a 2023 Nissan Leaf electric car, which is unchanged for the 2024 model.
Image credit: Nissan

As far as interior tech bells and whistles go, the 2023 model boasted “a new brand identity badge on the steering wheel and a new start-up video on the instrument panel screen,” because who doesn’t love a fun little video?

Interior space:

  • Front seat headroom: 41.2″
  • Rear seat headroom: 37.3″
  • Front seat legroom: 42.1″
  • Rear seat legroom: 33.5″
  • Front seat hip room: 51.7″
  • Rear seat hip room: 50.0″
  • Front seat shoulder room: 54.3″
  • Rear seat shoulder room: 52.5″

Exterior dimensions:

  • Wheelbase: 106.3″
  • Overall length: 176.4″
  • Overall width: 70.5″
  • Overall height: 61.5″
  • Track width (front/rear): 60.6″ / 61.2″

Tech features:

  • NissanConnect infotainment system:
    • 8-inch color display
    • Apple CarPlay
    • Android Auto
    • SiriusXM
    • Four USB ports
    • Charging timer,
    • HVAC timer (for pre-heating or pre-cooling the cabin)
  • Nissan Leaf SV Plus infotainment upgrades:
    • Nissan door-to-door navigation
    • NissanConnect services
    • NissanConnect EV smartphone app (free 3-year trial included)
  • Nissan Safety Shield 360
    • Automatic emergency braking with pedestrian detection
    • Blind spot warning
    • High beam assist
    • Lane departure warning
    • Rear cross-traffic alert
    • Rear automatic braking.
  • Driver assistance and convenience features
    • Rear door alert
    • Rear parking sensors
  • Leaf SV Plus additional features
    • Intelligent Driver Alertness (ID-A)
    • Intelligent Around View Monitor (I-AVM)
    • ProPilot Assist (combination steering assist + Intelligent Cruise Control)

2024 Nissan Leaf electric range and charging times

A 2023 Nissan LEAF electric car charging at a charging station. The 2024 Nissan LEAF model looks pretty much the same.
Image credit: Nissan

Keep in mind, Nissan’s decision not to update the CHAdeMO adapter on its 2024 Nissan Leaf models could negatively impact its resale value, causing it to depreciate more than it would already. For those of you on the fence, might I interest you in the similarly priced, higher spec, and tax credit-eligible Chevy Bolt?

If you’re dead set on a Leaf, definitely lease it. All leases qualify for the federal tax incentive and most reputable dealers will pass the savings onto you. Just ask before signing anything, and if they don’t budge? Walk away and keep your phone on standby. You’ll hear back.

  • Leaf S
    • Electric range: 149 miles
    • Charging time: Charges to 80% in 40 minutes
    • Quick charge port: 50 kW (CHAdeMO)
  • Leaf SV Plus
    • Electric range: 212 miles
    • Charging time: 80% in 60 minutes
    • High-output quick charge port: 100 kW (CHAdeMO)

Engine and performance

We see under the hood of a 2023 Nissan Leaf electric vehicle. The 2024 Nissan Leaf has the same motor and electric system.
Image credit: Nissan

For an entry-level EV, the 2024 Nissan Leaf has quite a bit of power.

  • Leaf S
    • Lithium-ion Battery Capacity: 40kWh
    • Electric Motor Power: 110-kW / 147hp / 236 lb-ft of torque
  • Leaf SV Plus
    • Lithium-ion Battery Capacity: 60kWh
    • Electric Motor Power: 160-kW / 214hp / 250 lb-ft of torque

Design changes

While the overall design is unchanged from the 2023 model, it’s worth calling out that the 2024 Nissan Leaf SV Plus trim level comes standard with this futuristic-looking 5-spoke, 17-inch alloy wheel.

2024 Nissan Leaf review (to come)

The badge of a 2023 Nissan LEAF, which will be unchanged on the 2024 Nissan LEAF model.
Image credit: Nissan

The Nissan Leaf has been a stalwart in the world of electric vehicles, and at one time it was the most popular EV in the world. Past models were praised for their surprisingly spacious interiors and efficient, powerful motors (for an entry-level hatchback.)

Seeing as the 2024 Nissan Leaf is very much a rehash of the 2023 model, we’d expect a review to line up pretty solidly with our expectations. That is to say, despite being on its way out, the 2024 Nissan Leaf remains one of the few truly affordable EVs, though if you’re not in a rush, you could always save up an extra $7,000 over the next year for the 2025 Volvo EX30. While this will be a new model in Volvo’s electrified lineup, the Swedish carmaker has proven itself a serious contender in the EV space with the revered XC40 Recharge.


Does the Nissan Leaf qualify for the $3,750 tax credit for new electric vehicles?

Yes! Nissan just announced that new Leaf vehicles may qualify for an electric vehicle tax credit of $3,750 thanks to the “battery component” regulations in the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. You must purchase the vehicle by December 31, 2023 to be eligible. Additionally, you must purchase the vehicle to use, not resell, and drive it primarily in the U.S.

Also, according to Internal Revenue Code Section 30D, your Modified Adjusted Gross Income cannot exceed:

  • $300,000 for married couples filing jointly 
  • $225,000 for heads of households
  • $150,000 for all other filers

Is the Nissan Leaf being discontinued?

Yes, in 2022 the Japanese carmaker announced it would be phasing out the Leaf model. Still, Nissan still plans to develop electric vehicles, with its “Nissan Ambition 2030” pledge aiming for 40% EVs by 2030.

How much does a Nissan Leaf battery cost?

Lithium-ion batteries aren’t cheap! Should the worst-case scenario happen and your Nissan LEAF’s battery needs replacement, you’ll be looking at a hefty bill, according to findmyelectric.com.

  • 40 kWh battery: $6,500 – $7,500
  • 60 kWh battery: $8,500 – $9,500

Where can I charge my Nissan Leaf?

The 2024 Nissan Leaf’s CHAdeMO port limits the number of charging locations when you’re out and about. Check PlugShare for an updated list of CHAdeMO stations.

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EVs Explained

Level 1 vs Level 2 vs Level 3: Everything you should know before charging an electric car

Sales of electric vehicles (EVs) have exploded in the last few years, with the proliferation of charging stations following suit. As developments in infrastructure, clean energy, and climate legislation bring us closer to an all-electric future, it’s important to understand the charging technology that will eventually take the place of filling up on fossil fuels.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the different charger levels, the distinctions between plug-in and hardwired chargers, as well as how to install an at-home EV charger. If nothing else, you’ll know the basics the next time you book a rental car in Europe – after all, driving a Tesla in Iceland will spare you $9 a gallon.

Level 1 charging

Image credit: Lectron

Most EVs come with a basic level 1 charger. It plugs into a standard (120V) power outlet much like any other ordinary household device. Generally, it doesn’t require any special installation – you just plug it into the wall. Compared to Levels 2 and 3, a Level 1 will move slowly, hence the nickname “trickle chargers.” When fully depleted, a Level 1 can take a day or longer to reach full charge. Despite its low charging speeds, it can still be useful for overnight charging. If you only use your car sparingly, or you predominantly use public chargers, a Level 1 charger may be all you need at home.

It’s important to note that Level 1 chargers aren’t as energy efficient as Level 2 chargers and will cost more to fully charge your vehicle. But, generally speaking, Level 1 charging is still cheaper than fueling a traditional gas-powered car.

Price: Up to $200, but one usually comes with the vehicle
Power output:
1.2 kW
Charging Speed:
5 miles per hour or less
Power source:
120V outlet

Level 2 charging

Image credit: JuiceBox

Level 2 charging is the most popular way to power up an EV. Found in both public places and personal residences, Level 2 charging speeds typically range from three to 12 times faster than Level 1. They’re increasingly common in public places such as shopping centers and office parks, with over 54,000 Level 2 chargers added in the U.S. in 2022.

When choosing a Level 2 charger, you may want to make sure the amp rating isn’t higher than that of the vehicle. It won’t harm the car, but any additional power over that threshold won’t charge it any faster. You can find the amp level your EV will accept in your owner’s manual and compare it to the amp rating of the charger you’d like to buy.

Level 2 chargers are designed to work with most vehicles, so compatibility usually isn’t an issue. In North America, chargers either come with the J1772 connector or the proprietary Tesla connector. Tesla vehicles also include a J1772 adapter. So with rare exceptions, you can just about use any Level 2 charger with your EV. In Europe, chargers usually come with the Type 2 (Mennekes) connector which is the standard for all EVs sold in the region, including Tesla.

Price: The price typically ranges from $300 – $800 for home units. Some cars come with a Level 2 charger.
Charging speed:
12 to 70 miles per hour of charging
Power output:
3.3 kW – 19.2 kW
Power source:
240V outlet

Guide to installing Level 2 chargers

Plug-in vs hardwired

Level 2 chargers come in two types: plug-in or hardwired. Those that plug in use a 240V outlet — typically used for large appliances like washing machines and ovens. Others need to be “hardwired” or directly integrated into your home’s electrical panel. Should you have a compatible 240V outlet handy and you’re employing a low-amp Level 2 charger, the setup could be as straightforward as plugging it in. However, in most cases, you will need to hire a professional.

Plug-in chargers

When plugging in a Level 2 charger, you need to ensure that:

  • The outlet is compatible with the charger.
  • Both the outlet and circuit board have a sufficient amp rating (at least 25% higher than the charger’s maximum amp draw).

In North America, most 240V outlets are NEMA outlets. By and large, the NEMA outlets used by EVs come in the following amperage ratings:

  • 30 amps (NEMA 14-30)
  • 50 amps (NEMA 14-50 or NEMA 6-50)

If you’re unsure about any of this, you should consult an electrician before charging with a 240V outlet. It can be potentially dangerous to plug a level 2 EV charger into an outlet if your home can’t handle the power draw.

Hardwired Chargers

Hardwired chargers are mounted on the wall and include three feet of flexible conduit and service wires that extend from them. These wires meet and connect to the wires coming from your electrical panel.

Hardwired units are more expensive, but they have a watertight connection. Offering protection from the rain and the elements, they’re suitable for outdoor use. Normally, they’ll deliver a larger range of amp and charge-speed options than plug-in units do, too.

Ultimately, you may want to install a hardwired charger. This might be because you are looking for outdoor charging or if you don’t have a suitable 240V outlet available and don’t want to have one installed. On the other hand, plug-in chargers are portable, so you should keep in mind if you will need to charge your vehicle at multiple locations.

Hardwiring or installing a 240V outlet

At any rate, you may want to either install a 50-amp outlet or have your charger hard-wired into your home’s electrical system. Either option will generally require the assistance of a professional electrician, both for the installation process and to determine whether your house can handle the energy draw. Installing a 240V outlet is a technical and risky operation that’s subject to strict regulations and approval.

Many residential households are not equipped for the power draw of Level 2 chargers, in which case your service panel may need to be upgraded or changed. If the charger is being installed outdoors, it needs to be rated for outdoor use. You will likely need to get a permit from your local building department before you start the installation. After the installation, an inspection may be necessary to ensure the work meets local building and electrical codes.

How much will it cost for the installation?

This can vary dramatically based on a number of factors, such as how far the panel is from the installation point of the charger. If both your panel and charger are to be in the same place (such as the garage), then it might only cost a few hundred dollars. But, depending on the complexity of the installation, the price could rise to well over $1,000. Thankfully, many states and municipalities offer rebates and other incentives for installing EV chargers that can help offset these costs.

Safety and maintenance

Always install chargers in a well-ventilated area to prevent overheating and keep away from flammable materials. Check the charger periodically for signs of wear and tear, especially if it’s installed outdoors.

Level 3 charging (DC charging)

Image credit: Pexels

Level 3 chargers are found in public and commercial areas and are operated by private charging networks like Tesla and Electrify America. Private residences are not suitable for installation.

Level 3 chargers are very fast; they can charge up to 15 times as fast as Level 2 chargers and may fully charge a car in less than an hour. This makes them very useful if you’re in a rush and need to charge quickly. But there are some trade-offs to the increased speed. The cost-efficiency of Level 3 charging is lower than Level 1 and Level 2, so it will be more expensive to achieve a full charge. Level 3 charging can also gradually degrade a vehicle’s battery health, so it’s generally better to use public Level 2 chargers when time allows.

Different charging networks and EV manufacturers use different types of connectors. The most pervasive examples include CHAdeMO (used by Nissan and Mitsubishi), CCS (used by European and American manufacturers), and Tesla’s once-proprietary Supercharger connector, which everyone from Rivian to Ford and General Motors is starting to adopt. Some public charging stations provide multiple types of connectors, but not all. You must also consider compatibility. Many older or cheaper EV models don’t support DC charging.

Price: Often $10,000+
Charging Speed:
120 to 1,200 miles per hour of charging
Power Output:
50 – 350 kW

Future of EV charging

Europe and China are taking the rise of EVs seriously, and are preemptively building infrastructure to prepare. 450,000 new EV chargers were installed in Europe as of April 2023, a growth rate of over 50%, and the rate of EV charger installation in China has been even more dramatic.

While the US sadly lags behind both Europe and China in this area, it’s still experiencing significant growth in both the number of EVs and charging stations. By 2030, the Biden administration says we’ll have 150,000 to 500,000 charging stations by 2030. With charging infrastructure rapidly expanding, the days of limited charging access are finite, and soon enough range anxiety, too, will become a thing of the past.

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EVs ExplainedFeatures

EVs Explained: What is a kilowatt-hour, and while we’re on the subject, what is a kilowatt?

“Now presenting our brand-new (insert new EV here), with a 50-kWh battery pack and 300 kW motors,” exclaims some extravagant press release from yet another startup. While it’s quite nice of you to spill all the beans like that, I’m still left wondering what the heck some of these measurements mean, and I’m sure some of you are too.

Welcome to this blooming age in the automotive landscape, where electrified cars stand on as big a pedestal as traditional dinosaur-powered performance vehicles. So many newfangled machines. So much innovative tech. Yet, interestingly, there’s not much in the way of explanation behind some of the most basic terminology, and what few definitions do exist lie buried under mounds of glitzy press material and spec sheet drag racing.

We’ve all read the brochures and the magazine reviews, diving into the colorful world of fully electric cars and plug-in hybrids. They’ll toss around new terminology like it’s already in the common vernacular, ignoring the fact that this is still relatively fresh tech being drip-fed to the world. Therefore, many terms haven’t fully clicked in people’s minds. But hopefully, this new explainer series should clear the fog around these words that are becoming as household as “horsepower” or “miles per gallon.” 

Our inaugural lessons to kick off this series: what the heck even are “kilowatts,” how do they relate to electric cars, and how do they pair with the equally-tossed “kilowatt-hours?” Well, I’m glad I asked – and hopefully drove enough interest to entrap you here – because it’s time to get schooled in five minutes or less.

Rivian R1T Charging in the desert
Image credit: Rivian

What is a killowatt?

This frequently-spoken term is not exclusive to EVs or electricity and can trace its core components back to pretty much any of our high school science and math classes. Anyone who has ever stumbled across a German auto magazine will likely guess where this is going.

Kilowatts are merely a metric measurement of power output, just like horsepower. Plain and simple.

Renault Mitsubishi Alliance Exposed Motors
Image credit: Renault Group

A kilowatt (kW), which translates to 1,000 watts (W), is the alternate unit of measurement if you’re too cool for horsepower. If you want to click with your new friends from Frankfurt, talk about how many kilowatts the straight-six in their 1995 C36 AMG makes. There’s even a brainless, one-step formula for converting kilowatts into ponies. Simply multiply your kilowatts by 1.341. 

For instance, let’s say you stumble across aforeign auto magazine talking about how the E92 M3 GTS had a power output of 331 kW – again, metric, so 331,000 W if you wanted to break it down. Before you scroll another line down the spec sheet looking for a pre-calculated conversion, you can multiply that 331 by 1.341 to get 443.87, on par with the manufacturer-claimed 444 horsepower. 

Bingo! Easy, right?

Lucid Air Sapphire
Image credit: Lucid Motors

Shift over to electric cars. Just as horsepower has become the ubiquitous unit of power measurement for internal combustion engines, the kilowatt has achieved a similar status for electric motors and may be used to denote output before official horsepower and torque ratings are published. The methodology for translating power measurements remains unchanged from pistons and cylinders to stators and magnets. Imagine some gilded brochure for the Tesla Model S Plaid that states that its motors’ combined output equals 760 kW. Multiply that by 1.341, and bam! 1,019.16, in line with its 1,020 horsepower rating. 

Tracking? Heck yeah, you are!

But the way that kilowatts relate to EVs is only half the story. One must also understand their relation to battery packs.

What is a kilowatt-hour?

While electric motors measure power output by kilowatts, battery packs measure energy capacity by kilowatt-hours. If you’ve read this far and decided you can’t stand me, please consult this handy YouTube video below for its breakdown of what a watt hour is and how it’s calculated. However, should you despise video explainers more than my written words, then please bear with me, as there’s a bit more to it than what we’ve discussed so far.

“How battery capacity is measured and what is Wh? (Watt Hour)”

A kilowatt-hour (kWh) determines how much energy can be expended over a unit of time, which, in the context of EVs, directly relates to a vehicle’s maximum power output and range. While the kWh is now a standard unit for measuring EV battery capacity, it’s long been a common unit of measurement for energy consumption in homes and appliances.

Lucid Air Sapphire - Exposed Car Internals - Top View
Image credit: Lucid Motors

Back to the Model S Plaid, let’s say you’re flooring it down the highway at a perfectly legal speed. Your foot’s all the way down on the throttle, extracting every bit of that 760 kW output. Welp. Congrats. You’ve killed it. The car dies within seven to eight minutes or roughly 0.13 hours after starting with a full charge, as the Model S Plaid’s battery has a capacity of 100 kWh, meaning it can expel 100 kW of power over roughly an hour. 

Now, let’s switch things up and say you’re on your way home from doing Tesla owner things, such as hot yoga and overpaying for bread with avocado on it (this is satire, by the way, so relax.) You’re taking it easy and hypermiling every stretch of the way, probably only expending an average of 50 kW during your drive. You’ll likely see about two hours’ worth of use and be able to travel a significantly farther distance with that 100 kWh battery than if you were to demand maximum attack from the electric motors a majority of the time.

Humorously, if you build some Frankenstein bastard child of a project car using the Plaid motors hooked up to a base model Nissan Leaf’s 40 kWh battery and went flat out, the party would be over in less than three minutes. Do with that information as you will, project car YouTubers of the world. 

That’s perhaps the simplest way to explain its relevance to prospective consumers. Smaller battery packs with lower capacities will result in shorter overall ranges and limit how much power an EV can reasonably output, while larger battery packs flip the script, enabling longer distances and more kW of power.

Lucid Air Action Shot
Image credit: Lucid Motors

It’s why you often see the pricier, long-range variants of electric vehicles sport more powerful motor setups and longer overall ranges, thanks to their higher kWh rating. And it’s partly why some performance variants with even more powerful motors wired to the same batteries (or even slightly bigger) may have shorter ranges, as their elevated performance now demands more from the battery, in addition to other factors like stickier tires, thermal challenges, and aero changes.

“Watt do you mean it can’t charge any faster?”

Last tidbit! Before we go too deep down a rabbit hole that’d require another article, let’s discuss how kilowatts and kilowatt hours pertain to charging your EV. Yes, everyone’s least favorite part. 

Just as kilowatts measure the power coming out of your EV, kilowatts can very much be used to measure the power going back into your EV, hence why we also measure chargers’ outputs in kW.

For example, a 50 kW charger will theoretically fully replenish a 50 kWh battery from next to nada in roughly an hour. A 100 kWh “fast charger” should be able to do the deed on the same battery in approximately 30 minutes. Ever wonder how these fast chargers can get monstrous powerhouses like the Model S Plaid, Lucid Air, or Taycan Turbo S up and ready to rock in less than an hour? Because fast chargers can output anywhere between 150 to well over 300 kW.

Rivian R1S closeup
Image credit: Rivian

Note other limitations can hinder how quickly an electric car can charge, including the set kilowatts an EV can accept. For instance, the new Volvo EX30 only has a maximum charge rate of 153 kW, which is more than enough for its 64 kWh battery, but far behind the 350 kW max charge rate of a comparable Hyundai Ioniq 5.

Class dismissed… for now.

Of course, there are so many other smaller factors that feed into the performance, charging, and discharging of an electric vehicle, which we can spin into another piece. But that’s the basic jist of the relationship between the fat K-W and the new wave of electric chariots.

For now, remember that kilowatts measure the power the car uses and produces while kilowatt-hours represent the energy stored in the battery pack, which directly impacts the EV’s range and output. And to any prospective owners out there, I hope this lesson has better equipped you to shop with confidence – or at least read Euro auto mags without scratching your head at the power figures.

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Every new car-related feature in iOS 17

Perhaps lost in the bluster of Apple’s WWDC 2023 keynote on June 5, 2023 are some key updates to iOS 17 that should be of particular interest to iPhone users who are seeking a more connected driving experience. While it’s understandable that the $3499 Vision Pro AR/VR headset got all the headlines, these new features show that Apple sees a future where iOS is seamlessly integrated into your vehicle.

When iOS 17 is available later this year, Apple iPhone users will be able to:

  • Use SharePlay to play songs or add songs to shared playlists on an Apple CarPlay-enabled system.
  • Access real-time EV charger availability.
  • Download and access offline maps and directions in the Apple Maps app.

Let’s take a closer look at these three updates and how Apple CarPlay compares to Android Automotive OS and Android Auto.

SharePlay makes the aux cable obsolete

We’ll start with only one of these three features to get a big moment in the keynote. iOS 17 will include a feature called SharePlay that will allow iPhone users to play songs on CarPlay-enabled systems, even when they’re not the one connected. The presentation touted SharePlay’s road trip bona fides — no more arguing over who gets to steer the stereo next. Could this be the final nail in the aux cable’s coffin?

Still from Apple's WWDC 2023 conference keynote showing SharePlay integration on a Carplay vehicle. Yves Tumor's Echolalia is playing.
Image credit: Apple

Bonus hipster points for featuring Echolalia by Yves Tumor in the demo.

Still from Apple's WWDC 2023 conference keynote showing SharePlay integration making a shared playlist on an iOS 17 device.
Image credit: Apple

The demo goes on to show how multiple iPhone users can seamlessly add songs to a shared playlist, even if they don’t have an Apple Music account. Very kind of the Apple team to let this semester’s design interns pick the on-screen playlist.

All joking aside, this feature is quite cool and an absolute game-changer for anyone with CarPlay who hates having to pair another friend’s phone with their car every time a new [squints] Youth Lagoon song comes out.

Where we’re going, we don’t need cell towers

In a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moment, Apple announced that with iOS 17, you can now download offline maps and directions. I’m going to be honest here, I thought this was already a feature of Apple Maps, but I guess not.

According to Apple’s Press Release about upcoming iOS 17 app updates, simply select an area to download and you’ll have full offline access to search for points of interest as well as driving, walking, transit, and biking directions.

Image credit: Apple

This update will be especially useful for anyone who camps, hikes, or is planning to road trip somewhere a little “off-grid” for a while (I’m looking at you, Cybertruck pre-orderers.)

Another “W” for EVs.

Sneaking into Apple’s Press Release but not specifically mentioned during the WWDC 2023 keynote is an update to Maps’ electric vehicle charger info layer.

Image credit: Apple

Credit where it’s due: it’s pretty funny to be showing the chargers on “Battery St.” in San Francisco. The art team really went off for this presentation.

Although Apple Maps has included EV charger routing on select vehicles since it was announced at WWDC 2020, the iOS 17 build will feature enhanced, real-time information including charger availability filtered by plug type, preferred charging network, and more.

At launch, this feature will only be available on the two cars that support Apple Maps EV Routing: the Ford Mustang Mach-E and the Porsche Taycan, according to 9to5 Mac.

How does Apple CarPlay compare to Android Automotive OS or Android Auto?

As we mentioned last month, Google has two separate apps for vehicular computing, Android Automotive OS and Android Auto. Android Auto is a phone-based app that interfaces with your car’s existing entertainment system. On the other hand, Android Automotive OS was (like Tesla’s OS) built from the ground up for integration into vehicle dashboards and console screens.

In January 2022, Polestar showcased the Polestar 2’s Android Automotive OS-based infotainment system, calling it the “world’s first car with a built-in Android-powered operating system.”

Image of a Polestar 2 electric car's dashboard featuring Google Maps on an Android Automotive OS build.
Image credit: Polestar

Earlier this year, GM announced that it will be phasing out CarPlay and Android Auto support in favor of a custom-built Android Automotive OS system, and more automakers are following suit.

As far as which is better, Google Android Automotive OS or Apple CarPlay, a lot of factors come into play. It depends heavily on which app ecosystem you rely on, according to a Lifewire piece that ran before these latest features were announced.

To put it quite simply, Apple iPhone users will find easier interplay and more functionality with CarPlay, while Android users may appreciate Android Automotive OS’s offering.

To put it a little more specifically, per Lifewire:

Android Auto has greater support for third-party apps, but Apple CarPlay also has a wide selection with no important holes. Apple CarPlay also works with most Google apps, like Google Calendar and Google Maps, while the only Apple app you can use on Android Auto is Apple Music.


Surely, as Android Automotive OS becomes more ubiquitous, Google will be forced to make their apps play a little nicer with iOS, but only time will tell.

Overall, these developments are great news for anyone interested in a more connected driving experience. As our devices become more integrated with our vehicles, the days of fumbling for our phones to pick a song or distracted driving while re-routing a road trip will (hopefully) be over, or maybe we’ll just find new and innovative ways to “look at phone.”

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2024 Volvo EX30

Volvo’s affordable EX30 crossover SUV is for the kids

Volvo, like most of its cohorts, has accepted that the future of passenger vehicles is fully electric. By now, we all know California and New York have both set a 2035 deadline to phase out the sale of new gas-powered vehicles. What’s unclear is how, in a country that hasn’t seen a minimum wage increase since 2009, the average youth is supposed to afford the hefty price tags holding back EVs from widespread adoption. Could the Volvo EX30 be the solution?

The Chinese-owned Swedish carmaker believes its subcompact crossover SUV is sized and priced just right for the gen Z and millennial buyers its competitors have overlooked. Neither Tesla’s Model 3 nor the Hyundai Ioniq 5 and Ioniq 6 have managed to dip below 40 grand before tax credits. The 2025 Volvo EX30, on the other hand, starts at just under $35K. The smallest SUV in Volvo’s current lineup, the EX30 claims a surprisingly reasonable electric range, absurdly capable performance, and a price tag that makes it the EV to beat for those on a budget.

2024 volvo ex30
Image credit: Volvo

2025 Volvo EX30 price, release date, interior, and specs

When it launches next summer, the 2025 Volvo EX30 will offer two drivetrain options at launch, with the rear-wheel drive (RWD) model starting at $34,950. While Volvo is accepting reservations as we speak, more specific details regarding trim levels, packages, and a la carte options will be revealed this fall, presumably during the Geneva International Motor Show, which takes place in October.

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Though small, it has a long wheelbase and short overhangs, giving it a spacious interior and stable handling. The single-motor base model gets RWD, producing 268 horsepower and 253 pound-feet of torque. Volvo will offer a dual-motor upgrade with all-wheel drive, a combined 422 horsepower, and 400 pound-feet of torque. Acceleration to 60 mph takes 5.1 seconds with the base setup and just 3.4 seconds with the dual-motor system. We’ll even see the iconic Cross Country or XC branding returning for the EV as Volvo plans to release a more rugged version later on.

Volvo’s range estimates reach 275 miles for the base single-motor variant and 265 for the dual-motor. Both models get a usable battery capacity of 64 kWh and a 10-80 percent charge time of 26.5 minutes on a DC fast charger. That said, the EX30’s maximum charge rate is just 153 kW, making it slower to charge than Hyundai and Kia’s latest EVs. 

We don’t have a full list of interior features, but the EX30 appears to carry a similar display to the portrait-oriented screen in the larger EX90. Volvo moved to a Google-based infotainment system, which brings Google Assistant, Google Maps, and third-party apps from the Play Store like Waze to replace Google Maps—and more. The EX30 also gets a robust suite of advanced safety features, including some new tech. For example, the Park Pilot Assist system lets drivers select a parking space in a 3D interface and can handle steering and braking through the whole process. 

2024 volvo ex30
Image credit: Volvo

Volvo electrified: EX30 vs. XC40 Recharge and C40 Recharge 

Volvo repurposed the XC40’s underpinnings for use in the XC40 Recharge and C40 Recharge. Both are considerably more expensive than the EX30, and their reliance on a gas vehicle platform means that Volvo made some compromises on interior space and other packaging to accommodate the battery. They also lack the EX30’s range, as the XC40’s estimates land down at 223 miles. 

The trio of EVs all get similar tech features, and Google runs the show in each, but the EX30’s screen is larger and more prominently mounted in its interior. Volvo also removed most physical controls in favor of on-screen buttons, but the XC40 and C40 Recharge were already mostly bereft of buttons. 

Besides price and some equipment differences, the EX30 is not a wild departure from Volvo’s existing EVs. The brand clearly defined its intent with electrification and has so far followed it closely. That results in sustainable materials throughout the EX30 and older models, and Volvo noted that it was able to reduce the EX30’s carbon footprint over 124,724 miles of driving to less than 30 tons. 

2024 volvo ex30
Image credit: Volvo

What else is going on with Volvo?

Volvo has focused on technology improvements and vehicle development in recent times and has two brand-new EVs to show for it. At the same time, the brand has seen an uptick in sales over the first two quarters of 2023 and has picked up accolades for new models such as the S60 and XC60, which earned high accolades from reviewers.

The automaker plans to build the upcoming EX90 at its factory in South Carolina, but no such plans have been announced for the EX30. Because of their foreign manufacturing locations, none of Volvo’s current EVs are eligible for federal tax credits in the U.S. However, the EX90’s domestic assembly location may qualify it for at least half of the $7,500 credit. 

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Hummer EV running Android Automotive

Android Automotive OS: Full list of cars with Google’s standalone operating system in 2023

In a world where our phones, homes, and even watches are smart, it should come as no surprise that our cars are following suit. While traditional in-vehicle technologies like Bluetooth pairing and infotainment systems have been around for years, the shift to more comprehensive, intelligent operating systems in our vehicles is becoming increasingly evident.  Among the front-runners in this domain is Android Automotive OS (AAOS), Google’s vehicle-specific operating system, not to be confused with Android Auto. As we see the projected number of cars equipped with Android Automotive expected to double by the end of this year, it’s clear that this technology is swiftly becoming a major focus for manufacturers.

General Motors (GM) announced earlier this year that it would phase out Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, allowing the company to replace both systems with an integrated operating system based on AAOS. GM will partner with Google — the brains behind Android Auto and Android Automotive. This move aims to facilitate GM’s collection of data on driver behavior and EV charging patterns, and allow for improved system integrations, such as battery preparation for accelerated charging.

Understanding the difference: Android vs Android Automotive

Infotainment system tethered to phone using Android Auto
Image credit: Toyota

Despite their similar names, it’s important to understand that Android Auto and Android Automotive OS (AAOS) are fundamentally different systems. Android Auto operates as a phone projection app, essentially mirroring your phone’s screen and apps onto the vehicle’s infotainment display. Conversely, AAOS is a standalone system, fully integrated into the vehicle, eliminating the need for phone connectivity. It also offers direct control over an array of vehicle functions, including remote access, climate control, windows, lights, ride settings, and so forth.

Google brings native YouTube, Zoom, and Waze to your dashboard

With the upcoming release of Automotive OS 14, Google is now implementing apps like YouTube and Waze, and video conferencing platforms such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Webex into AAOS. It’s also adding multi-display support, allowing for shared viewing across multiple screens. Initially, the latest models from Polestar will be the first to offer these features, before progressing to other brands. 

These developments reflect a broader focus on expanding in-car entertainment, with other car manufacturers like BPD and Hyundai collaborating with Nvidia to integrate its video game streaming service, GeForce Now, into new vehicles. Tesla has also offered in-car video games, having integrated with Valve Corp.’s Steam game distribution platform last year.

Creating car apps is a complex task due to stringent worldwide safety regulations, posing a big challenge for small developers. Google mitigates this by offering pre-approved “app templates” to streamline development and ensure regulatory compliance. However, this method restricts app types and functionality, with different limitations on platforms like Android Auto and AAOS. Google allows only six types of apps: Media, Messaging, Navigation, Point of Interest, Video, and Internet of Things. Car manufacturers can include their own software, but these have to comply with safety regulations and are often designed not to work while the car is moving.

List of cars with Android Automotive

Top-down view of a Volvo EX30
Image credit: Volvo

Android Automotive remains in the early stages of adoption, meaning only a handful of models currently support this technology. As of May 2023, the following is a comprehensive list of cars equipped with Android Automotive:















Renault (Europe only)

  • Renault Austral
  • Renault Mégane E-Tech Electric
  • 2024 Renault Espace

This list is expected to grow dramatically in the coming years, with companies such as Ford and Volkswagen seeking to incorporate Android Automotive widely across their vehicle lineup, possibly in future iterations of the F-150 Lightning as well as the upcoming VW ID.2all. Meanwhile, Porsche is in discussions with Google to incorporate the system, and Mercedes-Benz is preparing to feature its own open-source version of it. By 2024, the majority of car manufacturers are anticipated to offer models equipped with the OS.

It’s important to keep in mind that manufacturers can personalize the OS’s interface to fit their needs, meaning it won’t look the same in all cars. For example, the user interface of a Polestar 2’s Android Automotive may look different from that of a GMC Hummer EV, even though both vehicles use the same OS. Just like Android phones, there are many ways that Android Automotive can be implemented – with different features, different processors, and so forth.

Cars with Google Automotive Services (GAS)

It’s also worth keeping in mind that only certain models with Android Automotive get shipped with Google Automotive Services (GAS). GAS is essentially a suite of Google apps and services made for Android Automotive, including Google Assistant, Google Maps, and the Play Store. Models without GAS won’t allow you to download third-party apps unless they’ve been approved by Google. Rivian, Lucid, Dodge, Chrysler, and BMW currently don’t support GAS.

Should I buy a car with Android Automotive?

While Android Automotive has the potential to advance in-car technology, it’s still in its primitive stages. Many of its features are comparable to Android Auto, and some apps available via phone projection may not be compatible with your version of AAOS. Users have also mentioned some issues with the system, like the interface being a bit slow or awkward to use, and the streaming quality not hitting the mark (worse than simply streaming via Bluetooth). As Android Automotive matures, it will undoubtedly offer a more advanced and feature-rich experience. Until then, it probably shouldn’t be a major consideration for most prospective car buyers.

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This Mercedes-branded MSI laptop puts the AMG in gaming

In an effort to attract more PC gamers to performance cars and vice versa, Mercedes-AMG has announced a long-term partnership with MSI, starting with a 16-inch gaming laptop.

The Stealth 16 Mercedes-AMG Motorsport comes in a stunning “selenite” gray with the Mercedes-MSG branding on the lid. The capital G “Gamer” aesthetic already looks like a racecar (look no further than gamer chairs) so MSI joining forces with a luxury car brand for a new gaming laptop seems like a no-brainer.

“For us, luxury gaming is more. It’s not just playing the games”, said Eric Kuo, MSI’s VP of Global Sales and Marketing. “When the users open up the lids of MSI laptops, it’s the start of a luxury journey. They will be amazed by the superior build quality and elegant design, which is luxurious aesthetic.”

Christoph Sagemueller, Head of Mercedes-AMG Motorsport, goes on to say, “It was crucial for us to find a partner who shares our values and ambition. MSI, a leading brand in the technology and gaming industry, proved to be the perfect fit. They demonstrate a strong commitment to innovation and a passion for high-performance products.”

These are all very kind words, but let’s take a look at what this collaboration is actually under the hood of this collaboration.

Packing serious horsepower

Image credit: MSI

The Stealth 16 Mercedes-AMG Motorsport, according to a press release sent to Acceleramota, is packing the latest 13th Gen Intel Core i9 processor along with the Nvidia GeForce RTX 40 series laptop GPUs – going up to the 4070. That’ll get you plenty of power you need to play games like Forza Horizon 5 in all its beauty. You can even upgrade to a 4K OLED panel to really make those colors and details pop. Pre-configured RAM and storage were not mentioned, but we do know it supports up to 64GB of DDR5-5200 and features two NVMe Gen 4 SSD slots.

The Stealth 16 Mercedes-AMG Motorsport comes bundled with a special-branded mouse, mousepad, USB drive, and pouch for the collaboration of the two brands. Best of all, however, is the power button labeled “Start Engine,” modeled after an actual push-button ignition found in modern performance cars.

So how much and when can I get it?

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MSI hasn’t announced pricing or availability just yet, but based on the specs and branding, you can expect this to be a luxury gamer laptop in a similar vein to the Mercedes-AMG automotive brand. In the meantime, you can purchase the existing MSI Stealth 16 from Best Buy.

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VW ID.2all on stage

Volkswagen ID.2all: the affordable EV Americans say they want, but probably wouldn’t buy

Volkswagen is rapidly expanding its electrification efforts globally, including in the United States, with the VW ID.4. The automaker recently unveiled the new ID.7, and we anticipate unleash of the ID. Buzz van very soon. It’s shown us its vision of a small electric hatchback in the ID.2all concept car, a surprisingly Golf-looking hatchback that will sell for under €25,000, or a little over $26,000. Unfortunately, that car is unlikely to reach the US, as Americans are terrible at buying anything but enormous SUVs and trucks. However, even without a domestic launch, the car promises affordable thrills and offers clean styling.

The gas-powered VW Golf was discontinued in the US in 2021. Now all that remains are the Golf GTI and Golf R Mk8 models, two sportier takes on the standard Golf you wouldn’t be hard-pressed to find at your local car meet – I know we’ve seen our fair share at NYCars & Coffee. No doubt because of its popularity with the enthusiast market, according to Motor1.com, the GTI had outsold the standard Golf three-to-one in 2018 before getting the axe. So while we might not see the ID.2all stateside, we’ll likely get the souped-up performance variants, if the ID.2 really is the Golf’s successor.

VW ID.2all price, specs, and trim levels

VW ID.2all front profile
Image credit: Volkswagen

We don’t know the exact pricing yet, but we expect VW to stick to that sub-€25,000 pricing model outlined with the concept car launch. There will likely be higher-priced variants offering more range and better performance. However, the base model’s 280 miles of range presents an excellent value for the price. Higher trims or battery configurations could add a few thousand to the MSRP, but there’s nothing wrong with the baseline estimate.

Volkswagen does a stellar job at including solid features and upgrades with each trim level without gouging for dollars in packages or standalone options packages. Buyers will have a choice of trim level and likely a couple of battery and powertrain options. With the ID.4, VW initially offered a standard-range model with rear-wheel drive and a Pro model with a larger battery pack and available all-wheel drive. Now, there are several trims that build on those basic configurations.

In terms of features, expect Volkswagen’s distinctive upscale interior finishes with a large screen and digital gauge cluster. Unlike some automakers, VW hasn’t completely ditched its physical HVAC controls.

The ID.2all’s size means it’ll have a tiny back seat. Though if it’s on the Golf’s level, the rear bench will be surprisingly spacious for the car. Advanced safety features are almost guaranteed, though the configuration and availability of the tech may differ depending on the country. 

Volkswagen electrified: ID.2all vs. ID.4 and ID.7

Volkswagen recently announced the ID.7 for the American market, which will join the ID. Buzz electric van and ID.4 crossover. The automaker is unlikely to release the ID.2all here because small hatchbacks don’t sell anywhere near as well as larger SUVs and trucks, and all of the American market EVs are larger than the diminutive hatchback. They’re all made by the same company, so shared DNA is inevitable. 

VW ID.2all interior and tech

Like the ID.4, the ID.2all may get LED lights and standard IQ.DRIVE safety equipment. Its price means it will likely do without some features, including wireless charging and heated seats. Higher trims may add larger wheels, ambient interior lighting, a heated steering wheel, and a sunroof. Volkswagen has a focus on sustainable materials, so the car’s interior may lean into that philosophy with the upholstery and trim made from recycled materials.

The ID.7 is a large sedan, so the differences between it and the ID.2all will be evident out of the gate. The ID.7’s interior is more upscale than we expect from the ID.2all and has much more space. At the same time, the ID.7 has a unique hatch-trunk that technically makes it a hatchback, but the space underneath it is far more generous than what we’ll see in the ID.2all.

Volkswagen news

With the imminent release of the long-awaited ID.Buzz, Volkswagen is at a critical juncture. The automaker’s earlier EVs have sold reasonably well. Here in the States, however, the ID.4 faces a concerning recall because some drivers have reported the doors opening at random times. Globally, Volkswagen has been criticized for moving too slowly on EVs and maintaining a manufacturing presence in China, where there are big questions about forced labor and human rights.

The company has also shown how complex in-house technology management can be. Its CARIAD division has chewed through leaders like a football team at a pizza buffet. These difficulties have caused delays in models from other VW Group brands, including Porsche. The software will do exciting things for VW once it’s finished, including providing the backbone for its autonomous driving program.

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